2023 Knowlton Literary Festival
Louise Penny
I came to writing later in life. I was well into my 40's before Still Life, the first Gamache novel, was published. I am deeply aware of how lucky I am to be writing, and published, and enjoying success. And believe me, I am enjoying it. It would be such a shame not to appreciate such a gift.
Before being published I was a journalist with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. But Michael's support allowed me to quit work to write. He was not only the inspiration for the books, but he made them possible.
I live outside a small village south of Montreal, quite close to the American border. My husband Michael and I have long had dogs, all golden retrievers. Bonnie, Maggie, Seamus, Trudy, Bishop and now Muggins. Some came as puppies, some were adopted as adults. All beloved.
Michael and I were together for 22 years and married for 20. He was the inspiration for Armand Gamache. Kindly, thoughtful, generous, a man of courage and integrity, who both loved and accepted love.
He developed dementia, and died peacefully at home in September 2016, surrounded by the love he'd put into the world for his 83 years.
So now it's Muggins and me. But we're far from alone. We have the village, and all our friends including My Assistant Lise, and the indomitable, happy spirit of Michael. And, of course, the company of Armand, Clara, Ruth, Gabri and Olivier et al.
Knowlton Literary Festival
CP 3686, Lac-Brome QC J0E 1V0
Phone: 450-242-2242
Email: KLA.knowltonliteraryfestival@gmail.com
Website: Catharine Bacon | Editor: Lucy Hoblyn
© 2024 Knowlton Literary Festival